Our Team

The Ocean Rights Coalition team consists of our Founding Board who carry strategic responsibility for TORC’s activities and campaigns, and an Advisory Board responsible for providing input from and liaising with relevant sectors.

Our Founding Board

Michaela Girvan – Co-founder

Michaela is a Global Environmental Maritime Law & Governance Researcher and an Environmental Consultant. She spoke on successful British Seas restoration legislation in Strasbourg as a young delegate and attended global conferences, including the United Nations Annual General Summit in 2023 advocating on ocean rights, the same year that the BBJN was signed.

Sean-James Brownlie – Co-founder

Sean-James Brownlie is a molecular biologist who is a former Senior Energy Advisor with extensive experience in fundraising and third-sector research. Sean is passionate about ecology and sustainable transitions. Sean leads our scientific research and outreach.

Dana Ahmed – Co-founder / Youth Engagement

Dana is an aspiring ocean lawyer focussing on youth participation, accessible education, and ocean preservation matters. She is the founder of EcoSpectrum, Co-Executive Director of the Middle East and North Africa Ocean Conservation Network (MENAECO), and was previously Secretary of the Sustainable Ocean Alliance.

Our Advisory Board

Dr Keith J Baker – Academic Engagement

Keith is a Research Fellow in Fuel Poverty and Energy Policy at the Built Environment Asset Management (BEAM) Centre at Glasgow Caledonian University; a Co-founder of The Energy Poverty Research initiative; a member of the Board of Directors and Convenor of the Energy Working Group at Common Weal; and a Director at Scientists for Global Responsibility.

Mumta Ito – Nature’s Rights Engagement

Mumta is an environmental lawyer and the founder of Nature’s Rights. She is one of Europe’s leading experts and advocates for rights of nature, advisor to the UN General Assembly, and European facilitator of the UN Harmony with Nature expert dialogues.

Frederic Bayer – Labour Engagement

Fred is the Assistant Secretary of Aberdeen Trades Union Council and was previously Vice Chair and then Chair of the Scottish Trades Union Congress Youth (2021-2023) and subsequently a delegate at the 2024 German-British Trade Union Youth Forum on Just Transition. Fred is also responsible for the IT/administrative side of TORC.

Manon Jesus – MMO Engagement

Manon is a Marine Mammal Observer who regularly works offshore providing advice on best practice for boats undertaking licensed work around the UK and Ireland. She has also undertaken work for the Cetacean Research & Rescue Unit (CRRU) for nine years.

The Ocean Rights Coalition team is currently in the process of finalising and signing Memorandums of Understanding to onboard new coalition members and partner with international organisations. This includes permission to utilise their logos in promotional materials. Therefore, we are currently unable to publicly disclose our full list of pending members and international and national partners.

If you have any further inquiries regarding this matter, please reach out to: 

An updated, real-time list of new coalition members and of public and official national and international partners will be updated below.