Towards a Universal Declaration of Ocean Rights

We seek a future where the roar of the oceans can hold its own…

TORC is a UK-focused, globally-minded coalition working together to ensure legislation allows for a restorative future for the Seas around the British Isles and for all Earth’s interconnected ecosystems.

We are a non-profit focused on establishing legal personality and rights for maritime ecosystems and species around the British Isles, while supporting international calls for a U.D.O.R.

Our Campaigns

TORC has its origins in members attending 2022-2023 roundtables, before it was presented to the UN at the Annual General Summit 2023. and so we continue to support growing calls for a Universal Declaration of Ocean Rights (UDOR).

A UDOR would go further in protecting our oceans than any existing measure, ensuring reliable long-term protection of oceanic ecosystems beyond national borders.

TORC is the hub for UK advocacy and legal research on personification of the marine environment with UK legislation.

In 2023 over 100,000 hours of industrial fishing took place in the UK‘s offshore marine protected areas, with 33,000 hours of those being highly destructive bottom-towed equipment. Including dredges and bottom trawls.

Legal personification of the marine environment would improve protection and enhance ocean governance enforcement within the UK.

One whale can capture an average of 33 tons of carbon dioxide over its lifespan.

Unsustainable whaling practices don’t just harm the local marine ecosystem, but cause ongoing setbacks in humanity’s fight against climate change and result in more CO2 released into the atmosphere than we realise.

We need more whales to help mitigate climate change.

Ocean Rights matter for everyone.

Here’s why we do what we do:

Protecting and Restoring UK Marine Biodiversity.

Between 10% and 15% of marine species are currently at risk of extinction. Studies have shown that there are at least 21 UK maritime species classified as ‘threatened’ or ‘declining’. Ranging from sharks and rays to seahorses and oysters. Showing that UK ecosystems will be vulnerable against the combined future effects of climate change and human pressures.

The Right for the Ocean to sustain abundant life and livelihoods, for current and future generations.

Ocean Rights will make the marine economic activity around the British Isle more equitable and sustainable long term. Allowing for true protection of fragile ecosystems and promoting responsible practices will safeguard and restore the diverse life in the seas around the UK and, most importantly, support thriving life in our ocean and in turn, support the livelihoods of the communities that depend on a thriving ocean.

One Planet. One Global Ocean.

Ocean Rights matter for all. We believe all people should have a voice because all life on Earth depends on the ocean.

Whether that is for the vast amount of oxygen the ocean generates, the vast warming or cooling currents that balance the worlds weather, providing food that we can eat, or the seashells we enjoy picking up at the beach.

Our Growing Coalition

More and more organisations, academics and individuals, are joining our call for Ocean Rights.

Our Coalition Organisations

  • Common Weal
  • Scientists for Global Responsibility
  • EcoSpectrum
  • Nature’s Rights
  • And many more…

Individual Supporters

  • Join our call for a U.D.O.R.
  • Take a splash at our art competition
  • Contact us if you would like to get more involved!

Get in touch!

Want to get involved with TORC? Does your organisation want to join our coalition? Or simply learn more about us? We’d love to hear from you.